We’re excited to have XYPN member Ben Wacek, founder of Guide Financial Planning, and his firm’s Operations Manager, Amy Artiga, on the show today.
A few years ago, Amy was a stay-at-home mom, looking to pivot into the financial planning industry, and she merged her interests of writing and helping pastors when she started a blog called the Pastor’s Wallet. After hearing Ben’s original interview on #XYPNRadio about targeting people who embodied biblical principles, pastors being some of those clients, Amy reached out to Ben about potentially working for him in a part-time capacity. The rest is, as they say, history.
Today, Amy continues to work part-time for Guide in a virtual capacity as an Operations Manager, but also helps build the actual business. Her blog has only gotten more popular and continues to send prospects to Guide. Ben discusses what it was like to hire when he wasn’t necessarily looking to, and discusses how Amy is an integral part of the firm. We discuss the EOS model, client surges, and what their future plans are for themselves and their business.
If you want to learn about what it’s like to go from a stay-at-home mom, to helping run a financial planning firm targeting your ideal clients, then this show is for you.
You can find show notes and more information by clicking here: https://www.xyplanningnetwork.com/293